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Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP has the depth of experience to address virtually any employment issue that may arise in the workplace. We routinely handle employment disputes before administrative agencies like the EEOC, in state court, in federal court, or in arbitration. Having litigated employment disputes all the way through a trial or final arbitration hearing, we have the ability to assess a potential claim and implement a plan of action to achieve the desired results, whether that result comes from settlement or trial.

Our broad-based employment litigation experiences include handling EEOC charges of discrimination and lawsuits alleging discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, sex, age, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, and pregnancy. We also have handled collective and class actions alleging wage and overtime violations, and claims involving violations of leave laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Moreover, we have litigated all types of contractual disputes from breaches of employment and severance agreements to enforcement of non-compete agreements and non-solicitation agreements, as well as breaches of confidentiality and theft of trade secrets.

In addition to our extensive litigation experience, we provide counseling and advice on day-to-day workplace issues. Our counseling services include consulting on employment discipline and termination decisions, providing diversity training or management skills training, drafting or reviewing employment contracts and personnel policies, conducting internal investigations, and auditing employment practices.

Our employment experience includes the following:

  • Accessibility and public accommodation (Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA))

  • Administrative proceedings

  • Age claims (Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA))

  • Appeals

  • Arbitration

  • Class actions

  • Collective actions

  • Compensation

  • Confidentiality agreements and litigation

  • Counseling and preventative advice

  • Defamation claims

  • Director and officer indemnification

  • Disability claims (Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA))

  • Discrimination claims

  • Diversity training

  • Employee handbooks

  • Employee privacy rights

  • Employment contracts

  • Employment litigation

  • Employment torts

  • Equal employment opportunity

  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) claims

  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) claims

  • Florida Civil Rights Act (FCRA) claims

  • Harassment claims

  • Independent contractor issues

  • Internal investigations

  • Leave of absence issues

  • Management training seminars

  • Meal and rest break issues

  • Mediation

  • Minimum wage claims

  • Non-compete agreements and litigation

  • Non-solicitation agreements and litigation

  • Overtime claims

  • Personnel policies

  • Reductions in force / layoffs

  • Retaliation claims

  • Sexual harassment claims

  • Theft of trade secrets litigation

  • Wage and hour issues

  • Whistleblower claims

  • Wrongful discharge

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